Wednesday 27 November 2013

Absence of Problems to Grind?

Lately I've noticed for csc148 compared to my other courses is that 148 lacks a list of material to grind out a some point.  Maybe that is supposed to be incentive to branch out and learn more but I have to wonder why there isn't really a "Extended Learning" tab of some sort with problems to do or extra content to read.  I'm sure there is plenty of material on the internet easily accessible by Google, but I'm just wondering as to why there isn't some sort of more focused outlet for all my computer science motivation.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Test Number 2 Thoughts

The second midterm was quite a surprise, at least for me.  Going in I did not feel 100% comfortable with the time complexity stuff and there was that part of me that always feels like I don't know enough about recursion.  Now that I am out of the test I have to say it was very surprised at the ease of the test compared to some of the past midterms.  Perhaps it was looking at the past midterms that made this test so easy (or god forbid my hard, hard work) in the first place but I kind of feel we got lucky with 3 pretty simple recursion questions.
There is a couple nice things I find with these recursion questions:
- They usually don't take that many lines to do
- You sort of have tree recursion template to work with (if you remember it)
- All that extra time to sit there and figure out if it really works or not

Overall I'm eagerly waiting results on this one.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Time Efficiency Thoughts

Time efficiency for algorithms  in computer science really intrigue me.  Years ago I would often think about the freedom programming allows the programmer since in class (high school) people would come up with different solutions to problems and all would work.  Now that time efficiency starts to come into play though there's usually a more "correct" or "efficient" method of tackling a particular problem.  To be honest, to me this sort of changes the ball game but I think I'm excited.

Other recent thoughts include:
-Why are marks for the test not posted online
-I'm sort of scared of the future jump from python to other languages
-Finding the best(right) way to do something feels awesome but this usually means you're going to have to grind out problems, which I will just say is unfortunate

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Finally Catching Up

Past week I've been putting in hard work to catch up in the couple areas I appear to have fallen behind in my classes.  Tough work, I know.  Though to be honest  I haven't found things all that hard so far so it's better late than never I guess.  Personally for me it's all about finding that hyper-productive mode to be able to engage myself in fun-filled non-laziness.  I have been using the following techniques to aid my now speedy race to the top:

-Reading before bed
-Eating healthy (I mean who knew?)
-Occasional exercise
-Pure Will

I think the best way to learn as well as easily balance your time is to just stay caught up with course, then after lectures for the day are done to just review them.  This way you only need study extra hard when there's tests and assignments.

Will be sure share my enlightening thoughts, at least 3 times a week I think, so get excited!